Port Botany/ Sydney Airport Precinct Scoping, Study, Ernst & Young / Infrastructure NSW
Palazzirail worked with Ernst & Young to investigate the transport facilities serving this precinct and identify any opportunities to improve their effectiveness. The analysis covered both freight and passenger rail services. Through consultation with key industry representatives and analysis of the existing arrangements, a number of initiatives were identified ranging from low cost / short term enhancements through to substantial and costly upgrade projects. A joint report coving all transport modes was provided to Infrastructure NSW.

Mt Arthur Coal Rail Upgrade Strategy BHP Billiton NSW Energy Coal
Palazzirail was engaged by BHP Billiton to investigate options for upgrade of the rail facilities at Mount Arthur Coal, in conjunction with planning for future capacity upgrades. By considering the complete logistics chain, an understanding of the capacity constraints in each area of the chain was developed which then enabled the upgrade to be targeted at those areas that presented a constraint. This meant that more cost effective upgrade options were identified and avoided the potential of overcapitalising in one area of the supply chain when constraints remained in others.

Line capacity analysis , Arup / Transport for NSW
Palazzirail was part of a multi-consultant team appointed by Transport for NSW to analyse the capacity of the corridor between Central and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the single biggest constraint within the Sydney rail network. The team developed a sophisticated model including train operations and station / passenger behaviour to allow the interactions between various elements to be investigated, in order to identify ways to permit operations above the experienced capacity of 20 trains per hour. Palazzirail provided project management and leadership for the study, as well as interpreting and analysing data from the model to understand the implications of the results and to translate these into potential strategies for the client.

Development of signalling and operational strategies for the Ukhaa Khudag – Gashuun Sukhait Railway in Mongolia, Energy Resources Rail
Palazzirail was engaged by Energy Resources Rail, Mongolia, to develop a signalling and control system strategy for the Ukhaa Khudag – Gashuun Sukhait Railway, in the southern Gobi Desert, to enable cost effective and efficient rail operations. A key element was appropriate matching of the technology and strategies with the planned operations and the nature of the railway. Palazzirail also developed technical specifications and other documentation to tender and engage a contractor for the works. In parallel, a strategy for operational management was also developed, along with tender documentation for operational support. This work followed an earlier involvement of palazzirail staff in undertaking the pre-feasibility study for the railway.

Level crossings, rail contamination and 72-hour alaram investigation, John Holland Rail CRN
On behalf of John Holland Rail Country Regional Network, Palazzirail conducted an investigation into the impact of rail head contamination on level crossings on lightly trafficked rail lines. A range of options were identified to mitigate and eliminate the risk of incorrect operation of the crossing, including managerial approaches and different technological approaches. In parallel, an analysis of the incidence of 72-hour alarms raised throughout the network was conducted, considering operational and maintenance impacts, to provide a means by which crossings could be prioritised for treatment.